Legal Aid: A Blog About Laws And Legal Processes

Legal Aid: A Blog About Laws And Legal Processes

  • 3 Questions You Might Have About Obtaining Worker's Compensation

    Employers are typically required to have worker's compensation insurance coverage that covers the medical expenses and lost wages of someone injured while on the job. If you've suffered any type of injury, you might wonder if you have a claim against an employer and if you should speak to an attorney. While it's always best to meet with a lawyer even if you're not sure you have a case to be filed, note a few questions you might have about obtaining worker's compensation.

  • How to handle a divorce that is being settled in court

    A divorce is a stressful and complicated procedure for all parties involved. It gets even worse when the spouses can't get along, and the divorce needs to be taken to court in order to be sorted out. If this has happened to you, the most important thing to remember is that you're in a legal process, and you need to act in a way that makes you come out with as many advantages as possible from the situation.

  • Want To Overturn Certain Details About Your Partner's Divorce Application? Here's How To Do It

    There are a lot of important details that need to be attached to any divorce application filed with a family court. These details include property division, child custody, alimony payments, and monetary awards, among other details. If you have been served with an Application for Divorce and do not agree with any of the details indicated by your partner, you can contest by filing a Response to Divorce application. Read on to learn more.

  • Legal Matters: Understanding Unlawful Discrimination

    In the legal context, the term discrimination is used to refer to the unfair treatment of individuals or groups because of personal characteristics. It is against the law to show this form of discrimination in certain areas of life, including places of work, schools, public establishments and the local government. It is important to understand the laws concerned with discrimination at work if you believe you have a case. This information will guide you when taking legal action against the involved company or employer with the assistance of your lawyer.

2023© Legal Aid: A Blog About Laws And Legal Processes
About Me
Legal Aid: A Blog About Laws And Legal Processes

Welcome! My name is Jessica, and I work as a legal aid secretary. I am in awe of the lawyers in my office and the variety of cases they cover. From injury compensation to family court matters, they need to understand the law in a broad range of areas. As a legal secretary, it is often my job to research particular points of law or find certain cases for reference. It is a fascinating job and I work hard to keep up with the constant changes to our laws and legal processes. Friends and family often ask me for direction on legal matters and whilst I explain that I am no expert, I usually manage to provide sound advice. This blog is for people who share my passion for the law or who want to understand more about our legal system. I hope you find it engaging and useful.