Renee Bates
In the legal context, the term discrimination is used to refer to the unfair treatment of individuals or groups because of personal characteristics. It is against the law to show this form of discrimination in certain areas of life, including places of work, schools, public establishments and the local government. It is important to understand the laws concerned with discrimination at work if you believe you have a case. This information will guide you when taking legal action against the involved company or employer with the assistance of your lawyer.
Discrimination and the Law
There are diverse laws that target different areas of discrimination in the country. The Equal Opportunity Act 2010 prohibits segregation and unfair treatment of people for certain outlined attributes. The common pertinent attributes include age, disability, gender identity, race, sex and sexual orientation. It is also unlawful for anyone to discriminate against you based on your marital status, your position as a parent or caregiver, physical features, lawful sexual activities and pregnancy. In addition, your political or religious beliefs, industrial activities and association with people with the aforementioned traits should not be a basis for victimisation. If you feel that you have received unfair treatment in your place of work as a result of these elements, it is advisable to consult a lawyer.
Direct Discrimination
It is important to know the different forms of discrimination because you will need to provide evidence of the unfair actions in court during the proceedings. Direct discrimination refers to action that treats or proposes to treat you unfavourably. For example, it is direct discrimination if a government office denies you employment because of your sexual orientation. According to the anti-discrimination laws, you must prove that the person treating you unfairly has acted in a different way than they would with other people. In the above case, you should demonstrate that a person with less qualifications and experience but lacking your sexual orientation was given the position unfairly.
Indirect Discrimination
Indirect discrimination occurs when a condition or practice in your workplace appears to be the same for all parties. However, the practice can pose a disadvantage for you because of a special attributes. Indirect discrimination will be unlawful if the requirement imposed on you is unreasonable for your circumstances. For example, you can be excluded and inconvenienced if your employer demands that workers be in the office very early in the morning, but you need to see your kids off to school first. In a lawsuit, you should be able to prove that the treatment imposed on all people puts you at disadvantage, as a result of your significant personal attribute.
For more information, contact a lawyer from a firm like CLP Legal.
Welcome! My name is Jessica, and I work as a legal aid secretary. I am in awe of the lawyers in my office and the variety of cases they cover. From injury compensation to family court matters, they need to understand the law in a broad range of areas. As a legal secretary, it is often my job to research particular points of law or find certain cases for reference. It is a fascinating job and I work hard to keep up with the constant changes to our laws and legal processes. Friends and family often ask me for direction on legal matters and whilst I explain that I am no expert, I usually manage to provide sound advice. This blog is for people who share my passion for the law or who want to understand more about our legal system. I hope you find it engaging and useful.