Legal Aid: A Blog About Laws And Legal Processes

Legal Aid: A Blog About Laws And Legal Processes

What you should know about disorderly conduct crimes

Renee Bates

Disorderly conduct crimes are crimes that are related to the way you behave in a public setting. It is typically considered a minor crime based on how you were behaving, typically due to causing a disturbance. If you were arrested for this type of crime, it helps to know more about it, including what acts qualify for disorderly conduct and what the potential punishments are.

There Are Verbal and Physical Forms 

The first thing you should know about these types of crimes is that they can come from verbal actions and physical ones. Nearly anything that might cause a public disturbance can be considered disorderly conduct, though it varies based on where you live. Some disorderly conduct crimes are seemingly harmless, but because they disturb the peace, they might still result in an arrest. For example, if you are participating in a protest, you can get arrested. There are physical forms like fighting with others in a public setting, which can also get you an assault and battery charge depending on the circumstances. Verbal fighting, hollering, and screaming can be considered disorderly conduct as well. Public intoxication may also be included.

Punishments Depend on Multiple Factors

Unless your arrest is also combined with other crimes, a disorderly conduct crime is usually considered a misdemeanor. In some cases, the only punishment you will get is to pay a fine. The amount you have to pay often varies based on the type of disorderly conduct, how much of a disturbance it was, and whether you have been arrested for this type of crime before. For more severe disorderly conduct crimes, jail time is sometimes included, though often a short period of time and dependent on your criminal history. The court may also put you on probation or require completing an anger management program or substance abuse program.

You May Need an Attorney

It is highly recommended that you get a lawyer if you are arrested for disorderly conduct. The lawyer can help you communicate with the courts and hopefully work out a deal where your sentence is lessened. With a lawyer by your side, you have a better chance at getting fines or probation instead of jail time. While anyone might want to get a lawyer, it is especially important for people with a history of similar crimes or disorderly conduct arrests that were associated with other crimes in the same incident.


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Legal Aid: A Blog About Laws And Legal Processes

Welcome! My name is Jessica, and I work as a legal aid secretary. I am in awe of the lawyers in my office and the variety of cases they cover. From injury compensation to family court matters, they need to understand the law in a broad range of areas. As a legal secretary, it is often my job to research particular points of law or find certain cases for reference. It is a fascinating job and I work hard to keep up with the constant changes to our laws and legal processes. Friends and family often ask me for direction on legal matters and whilst I explain that I am no expert, I usually manage to provide sound advice. This blog is for people who share my passion for the law or who want to understand more about our legal system. I hope you find it engaging and useful.